10-signs you should see a joint specialist

An adult human body contains 206 bones and 360 joints. But if even one of them isn't functioning properly, it could cause a lot of pain and discomfort. The bones, muscles, and joints present in the body can take a lot of beating. However, it's crucial to take care of them before the problems become severe. Here are 10-signs to determine when to schedule an appointment with an orthopedic doctor or joint specialist.

1. Painful joints:

Persistent or chronic joint pain could be an indication of an underlying disease. The term 'chronic pain' refers to pain that lasts for more than six months. This pain can be caused due inflammation, swelling, and wear and tear of the cartilage. All of these symptoms could be a sign of arthritis.

2. Limited range of motion:

Limited range of motion is when a joint cannot move through its normal range of motion. It is caused due to swelling of the joint or tissue surrounding the joint, stiffness of the ligaments and muscles, or pain. Consult an orthopedic doctor if you can't completely straighten or bend one or more joints.

3. Inability to climb stairs:

Sharp and sudden pain in the knee while climbing the stairs can make your life miserable. The bones, ligaments, tendons, and muscles in the knee joint are vulnerable. Several orthopedic conditions such as avascular necrosis, osteoarthritis, sprained ligaments, tendonitis can lead to severe knee pain and affect the ability to climb stairs.

4. Twisted or sprained ankle:

A sudden twist or turn can force the ankle joint out of its normal position. It can lead to a tear of the ligaments or an injury to the bones of the foot. Sprained ankle often results in swelling and pain in the ankle joint. An ankle injury can also damage the tendons and blood vessels in the affected area. If untreated, it can progress to avascular necrosis of the ankle.

5. Tingling sensation or numbness:

An unusual tingling sensation is felt in the hands, feet, arms, and legs. It is usually accompanied by numbness or inability to feel or sense pressure. The tingling of fingers can be caused due to carpal tunnel syndrome. Carpal tunnel syndrome can be caused by fracture or trauma to the wrist, repetitive flexing of the wrist, or working with tools or machinery that constantly vibrate.

6. Shoulder pain:

The shoulder is a frequently used joint. Hence, shoulder pain can severely affect the quality of life. The common causes of shoulder pain include injury, arthritis, tear in the rotator cuff tendons, dislocation of the shoulder, bursitis (inflammation of the bursa), frozen shoulder, etc.

7. Hip Pain:

Hip pain can be caused due to an underlying disease. Avascular necrosis, osteoarthritis, muscle or tendon strain, hip fracture, bursitis, tendinitis are some of the common orthopedic conditions that lead to hip pain. If untreated, it can lead to severe pain, swelling, and immobility.

8. Bruised muscles:

If an injury leads to swelling, pain, and bluish discoloration around the injured site, it could be a sign of muscle contusion. It occurs when a muscle is hit with a blunt object or if the body is slammed into a hard object. Sometimes blood may pool at the affected site.

9. Fracture:

A crack or break in the bone is known as a fracture. It can lead to pain, swelling, and immobility. Fractures can be caused due to several reasons such as injury, overuse, osteoporosis, etc. If the fracture is near or through the joint, it can lead to permanent stiffness or arthritis. If left untreated, it can lead to permanent damage to the bone and joint.

10. Swollen or tender joints:

Swollen, stiff, or tender joints can be a sign of inflammation of the bursa (bursitis). A bursa is a fluid-filled sac that protects the muscles and bone from rubbing against each other. Bursitis is caused due to overuse of the joint or increased activity level. It commonly affects the shoulders, knees, elbows, feet, and hips.

The treatment of bone and joint disorders requires expertise and thorough knowledge about the musculoskeletal system. In these instances, our expert orthopedic doctors can guide and treat your condition effectively.

To book an appointment:

Visit - https://www.avnclinics.com/
Call - 93212 70278